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From the blurb

How did Trisha come up with such an incredible collection of stories? Who or what was her inspiration? Why was she being so suspiciously silent? When Trisha disappears suddenly, complaining of a writer’s block, Debika, her editor for years, is left distressed—theirs was not just a writer-editor association but a bond of friendship and trust. Soon afterwards, the surprising news of her award-winning collection hits the headlines. As Debika braces herself to read the stories, she knows she must let go of her resentment. What she is not prepared for, however, is the shocking revelation that awaits her—a dark secret that will unravel itself in the most mysterious ways.

A nuanced novella with a twist in the tale; a story about stories of women, who live complex lives within commonplace existences; each devising her own escape from the realities and challenges of love, marriage and motherhood, to follow one’s heart’s desire, in the most unexpected ways.


Reviews I Interviews I Events

STUCK LIKE LINT by Shefali Tripathi Mehta is like a maze. It is a collection of short stories about a fictional collection of short stories. The stories by the writer in the book, Trisha, are interspersed with observations of her friend and one-time editor, Debika. Trisha's stories are an assortment of romance, intrigue, thrill and mystery. Mehta's skill lies in how well she has tied the disparate strands. Read closely, and the short stories will come together like puzzle pieces to form a picture as vivid as the cover of this book.

- The Telegraph

The News Minute: 'Stuck Like Lint' author Shefali on melancholy, motivation and doing unwriterly things

Deccan Chronicle/Asian Age: ‘The busier I am, the luckier I get at cracking plots’

ANI News: Escaping from realities and following her heart's desire

The Week, The Statesman: A dose of mythology, dark secrets and suspense

Women's Web: Women Will Find A Piece Of Someone Familiar In The Anthology ‘Stuck Like Lint’

Bookaholicanonymous: Guest Must read List

Diverging narratives, converging ideas, coalesce into a multi-layered story

WOC (Women of Colour) Reads

I finished the book in one go.


Publisher: Niyogi Books (Olive Turtle)
First edition: 6 October 2017

Language: English

Paperback: 156 pages

ISBN-10: 9385285815

ISBN-13: 978-9385285813

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